Monthly Archives: March 2016

Furniture Buying Tips

Purchasing new furniture can be one of the easiest and most affordable ways to change the look of your home.  If you are interested in a new piece of furniture, we have gathered some tips from furniture retailers to help you when shopping. […]

Furniture Buying Tips2022-01-07T13:45:52+00:00

Tips for new Homeowners

As a new homeowner you may feel a bit overwhelmed when thinking about all of the responsibilities you have just gained. At times it may seem so daunting you don’t even know where to start. We rounded up a list of tips to help make your new homeowner status less daunting. 1. Change Your Locks: This should be one of the first things you do upon buying your home. You never know who has [...]

Tips for new Homeowners2022-01-07T13:49:36+00:00