
Does that impact my credit score?

The first step in learning to responsibly manage your credit score is to understand exactly which items affect it and how. Commonly asked questions about credit scores include: Do utility bills impact my credit score? Does paying my rent on time impact my credit score? What about insurance payments? There’s a lot of confusion out there about how certain payments impact scores, so we set out to answer those questions in this post entitled “Does that impact my [...]

Does that impact my credit score?2022-01-07T12:15:12+00:00

How to Stay Fit in 2019

Stay fit Whether your New Year’s resolution is to lose weight or to simply live a healthier lifestyle, follow our tips and tricks to stay fit. How to stay fit in 2019 Clean out your pantry- Kick start your New Year’s resolution to lose weight by cleaning out your pantry. Throw out anything that contains trans fats, artificial sweeteners, and high fructose corn syrup. Cut back on eating out- In order to consistently lose weight, it’s extremely important [...]

How to Stay Fit in 20192022-01-07T12:07:18+00:00

Tips For Your New Year’s Resolution in 2019

New Year’s Resolution New Year’s resolutions are easier to make than to actually keep. Start 2019 off by coming up with resolutions and setting goals you can successfully obtain this year! We gathered tips for you to follow that are simple and broad enough to apply to any resolution you have in mind. Tips for your new year’s resolution: […]

Tips For Your New Year’s Resolution in 20192022-01-08T11:52:58+00:00

2014 Holiday Sweepstakes Winners!

Deborah, from Owings Mills, MD, was one of our lucky 2014 Holiday Sweepstakes winners! Deborah was overjoyed when she received the winning email notification on the night of December 11th. When asked about her reaction to winning the sweepstakes, […]

2014 Holiday Sweepstakes Winners!2022-01-08T11:54:18+00:00

Unique and Easy Gifts

The holiday season is in full swing and you probably still have one person (or more) you have yet to find the perfect gift for. While we rounded up the Top Gifts for Guys and the Top Gifts for Women, we found unique gift ideas that will help last minute shoppers! Activity: Need a gift for a sports fan? Instead of purchasing apparel or something with the team’s logo on it, buy tickets (and one for yourself) [...]

Unique and Easy Gifts2022-01-08T11:57:37+00:00

Top Holiday Cookie Recipes

Holiday Cookie RecipesLet’s face it; one of the best parts of the holiday season is food. In fact, at Mariner Finance, we have such a sweet tooth that we held an internal contest for the best cookie recipes. We had our team members send in their families’ favorite time-tested holiday cookie recipe and then held a vote to see who the winners were. Below are the ones that made it to the top ten. Happy baking! Chocolate Espresso [...]

Top Holiday Cookie Recipes2022-01-11T05:55:31+00:00

Money-Saving Holiday Travel Tips

According to the United States Department of Transportation, the Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s travel periods are estimated to be the busiest long-distance travel periods of the year. In fact, travel around Christmas/New Year’s (to and from a destination 50 miles or more away) is estimated to increase by 23% when compared to the rest of the year. Besides the increase in traffic and chaos, increased travel also means increased costs. To help make [...]

Money-Saving Holiday Travel Tips2022-01-11T06:05:39+00:00

Holiday Party Tips

Holiday Party Planning Tips Holiday parties can range from small, familiar gatherings, to all-out celebrations. Whether you are throwing a holiday party for your close friends or for your entire extended family, we gathered some holiday party tips to keep it as affordable and fun as possible. Let’s explore them below: Guest list While it’s important to keep in mind how much space you have for your guests in your home or venue, it’s [...]

Holiday Party Tips2022-01-11T08:11:03+00:00

Cyber Monday: The Best Shopping Tips

Black Friday is a great time to hit the stores and snag deals on items that typically break the bank, but as a shopper, you will have to fight through crowds of people who have the same wish list. Why do that when you can shop from the comfort of your home and snag great deals on Cyber Monday with ease? Think you know how to make the most of your online shopping this [...]

Cyber Monday: The Best Shopping Tips2022-01-11T08:21:56+00:00

Top Gifts for Guys

Don’t know what to get your guy, brother, son, dad, etc. this holiday season? We wanted to know too, and sent out a survey to over 600 Mariner Finance employees to find out. Of the 612 individuals that took our survey, 203 of them were male and chose the following categories as their most popular gift choices: […]

Top Gifts for Guys2022-01-08T11:04:09+00:00